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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Military Division. The division will be further subdivided into specific countries and/or coalitions later.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Just joined, this will be good. Are you active?
  3. Late to the party? This will be awesome. Interested to start a USMC Squadron.
  4. Greeting gents Who's responsible for the military division please i'm interested to create a SO here
  5. P8 Poseidon is something I'd love to see. Currently, I use the PMDG one but I prefer using X-Plane where possible!
  6. Howdy all, I am currently looking at making/modifying a current aircraft for XP11 for ISR/Surveillance operations in XP11. Anyone got suggestions or what aircraft they would like to see? Thanks! Josh
  7. Todd and Scott, now those names are blasts from the past. ?
  8. I certainly would like to see this option open. The new Military VA I've just joined is using a combination of VATSIM and JoinFS. Be nice to have a single high frequency network for formation flying and all other ops.
  9. Will we be able to in corporate the F/A - 18 superbug into Poscon Military Division ?
  10. Heelo to everyone. I am a retired Navy Air Traffic Controller (26 years) and have controlled under both VATSIM and SATCO (the pre-organization before VATSIM). I also helped along with another gent to write and estblish the VATSIM Special Ops SOPs back in the day. Any help I can give, just let me know.
  11. Hey there, I don't know if this would help but i use to control Ground/Tower for 5 years on Falcon Bms/DCS online, Used to train people on online environment (Milsim and stuff like that squad/arma 3) been a wild ride hope i could be any help and i can speak 5 languages if translation is a thing in Poscon i speak Arabic,French,English,Portuguese,Learning Chinese (Putonghua)
  12. Maybe Andrew can add a music player in the forum so we can have some rave music? That would liven it up. I'm sat here listening though.
  13. Hello POSCON, I'm Andrea, a 23 years old flight simmers from Italy. I'm really happy to be a member of this community. I'm not an expert about military and special operations, but I think that here I can find someone that can help me
  14. Still working on structure for the military club and Poscon. I promise it will get busy soon. Axe
  15. It seems there is not much movement here.... What does that mean? Are those registered here simply lazy or is everyone on vacation since Christmas? Just wondering why there is nothing happening here at all .....
  16. it is a shame how DEAD this forum seems to be... ?
  17. How many are planning on attending this event? My team and I will be there wearing flightsuits. That way you will be able to recognize us right off. VADM R Axe Timberlake, vUSN DCNO, Operating Forces and Fleet Commander
  18. Thank you Andrew for recognizing the importance of the military aspects in both ATC/CATCC and flying.
  19. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Military Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Military during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected]


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