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Andrew Heath

Network Directors
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Everything posted by Andrew Heath

  1. @TeXXasAl Hi Al, thanks for your interest. I guess it is really a matter of what you are interested in helping out doing? Feel free to send me a PM through the forums and we can discuss.
  2. until
    Sector: KZNY.ZNY.B.56Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.
  3. Hi please see this post https://forums.poscon.net/docs/support/faq/pilots/general/#section-1885
  4. Hi David, please see this https://forums.poscon.net/docs/support/faq/pilots/general/#section-1885
  5. https://forums.poscon.net/docs/support/faq/pilots/general/#section-1885
  6. Yes, POSCON supports a basic shared cockpit experience. The way it currently works is that all ghosted pilots have a 20 meter protection zone surrounding their aircraft. Any model that is within 20 meters of any ghosted aircraft is automatically deleted until the model exits the 20 meter protection zone, then it reappears. For those familiar with MSFS multiplayer, this feature is very similar to how they handle aircraft that get too close to each other. In order to utilize this feature for shared cockpit experience on POSCON, use the following procedure: The pilot who plans on being in charge of the radios on the network needs to log into POSCON using the Live Mode. The other pilot needs to connect in the Ghost Mode. This pilot can listen to the radios, but cannot transmit. The pilot who connects in the Live Mode should file the flight plan so that it can be activated without ATC intervention; however, if ATC is online to activate, either pilot may file the flight plan.
  7. until
    Sector: KZNY.ZNY.B.56Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.
  8. Reach out to @Maher Abaza
  9. Policy Exemption/Deviation Approved 5.3.1 - Activity Requirements Every 60 days (rolling), each USA ATC member must control: 2 hours on each Restricted Sector they have authorization for; and 6 hours in each Authority they have authorization for. Andrew Heath 21MAR22 Expires: Never
  10. The United States Division complies with all POSCON Policies. Per Divisions Policy 5g.7.4, the United States Division is authorized to publish exemptions and deviations to Network policies. The following sections outline the authorized exemptions and deviations.
  11. FIR Facility Area Sector ID Reason Albuquerque (KZAB) ZAB ARTCC All All Enroute Anchorage (KZAN) ZAN ARTCC All All Enroute Atlanta (KZTL) ZTL ARTCC All All Enroute Boston (KZBW) ZBW ARTCC All All Enroute Chicago (KZAU) ZAU ARTCC All All Enroute Cleveland (KZOB) ZOB ARTCC All All Enroute Denver (KZDV) ZDV ARTCC All All Enroute Fort Worth (KZFW) ZFW ARTCC All All Enroute Honolulu (KZHN) ZHN Control Facility All All Enroute Houston (KZHU) ZHU ARTCC All All Enroute Indianapolis (KZID) ZID ARTCC All All Enroute Jacksonville (KZJX) ZJX ARTCC All All Enroute Kansas City (KZKC) ZKC ARTCC All All Enroute Los Angeles (KZLA) ZLA ARTCC All All Enroute Memphis (KZME) ZME ARTCC All All Enroute Miami (KZMA) ZMA ARTCC All All Enroute Minneapolis (KZMP) ZMP ARTCC All All Enroute New York (KZNY) ZNY ARTCC B 56 Top-Down N90 TRACON Kennedy (JFK) All Complexity La Guardia (LGA) All Complexity Newark (EWR) All Complexity Liberty (LIB) Departure Complexity Oakland (KZOA) ZOA ARTCC All All Enroute Salt Lake City (KZLC) ZLC ARTCC All All Enroute Seattle (KZSE) ZSE ARTCC All All Enroute Washington (KZDC) ZDC ARTCC All All Enroute
  12. Reference Policies > Network > Divisions > ATC > Restricted Sectors In accordance with the above referenced policy, "Divisions may request, and POSCON may approve, any Sector within a Division to be marked as restricted. Once a Sector is marked as restricted, the POSCON servers will only allow ATC users with the explicit certification to Sign-In to that Sector."
  13. Join the United States Division To begin controlling, you will need to join the United States Division here. Getting started in the United States Division Once you have been assigned your controlling authority, you can SI (Sign In) to any position within the authority you have approvals for. Your approvals can be found in your POSCON HQ Profile in the ATC Approvals tab. We encourage you to become familiar with the POSCON radar client and it's functions. You can find the documentation for the client here. You can find sector files in the POSCON forums download tab, and then selecting Sector Data. A CBT for working ERAM in a Tower environment can be found here. Currently the United States Division is not enforcing positions restrictions. We ask you to control only what you feel proficient in and comfortable with. This is a all new network, and traffic for now may be light. If you staff a position consistently and reliably, the pilots will fly. Join the Community We encourage all members to join our Discord to engage with community! The United States Division team United States Division Manager - Alex Long United States Division Events Team Leader - Central Mountain Sub-Division Manager - Eastern Sub-Division Manager - Great Lakes Sub-Division Manager - Northwest Mountain Sub-Division Manager - Dominic Nguyen (Interim) South-Central Sub-Division Manager - Southern Sub-Division Manager - Western-Pacific Sub-Division Manager - Dominic Nguyen Want to get involved? Would you like to join the United States Division team? We're looking for sub-division managers, events team members, technical writers, and facility data specialist. If you're interested, send an email to POSCON.USA (at) gmail.com with a brief introduction and your area of interest and we'll get in touch with you!
  14. Division ATC members may be subjected to three different competency checks at the discretion of the Division training management: Certification. This type of competency check is used to grant an initial qualification for a Restricted Sector or Authority. Recertification. This type competency check is used to if the ATC previously held qualification, but lost it. Special Tracking. This type of competency check is used to ensure that the ATC's knowledge and skills meet Division standards.
  15. Every 60 days (rolling), each Division ATC member must control: 3 hours on each Restricted Sector they have authorization for; and 6 hours in each Authority they have authorization for. Certain waivers apply to the above requirements: All Restricted Sectors that combine to the staffed Sector will be automatically credited with the same hours achieved on the staffed Sector. The Authority for which the staffed Sector exists within will be automatically credited with the same hours achieved on the staffed Sector. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the automatic revocation of either the Restricted Sector or Authority as applicable.
  16. As a result of the requirements outlined in ATC Policies > Operational > Coordination, Division ATC members must join the respective Division Discord.
  17. 5g.10.1 New Division Members. The Division Manager reserves the right to enable/disable the join process for new members in consideration of the best interest of the Division. If the process is disabled for greater than 3 months, the Division Manager is required to coordinate with the Director of Operations. 5g.10.2 Removal. The Division Manager reserves the right to remove members from their Division that are in violation of any POSCON policy, including any Division exemption, deviation, SOP, or LOA.
  18. 3o.1.1 Requirements. ATC are required to coordinate the following items whenever another ATC is staffing an adjacent sector or facility: Opening, closing, combining, or de-combining Positions. Point outs Approval requests 3o.1.2 Venue. ATC coordination must be conducted in voice channels within the Division's official Discord server. Any other means of voice coordination is prohibited.
  19. 5g.9.1 Definition. "Facility files" refer to software files, programs, or tools that are necessary to control air traffic on POSCON. Sector files that have been created to control traffic within a specific Division are included in this definition. 5g.9.2 Official Files. The Division Manager is responsible for specifying and publishing which facility files are official for the Division. Only one version of each file may be considered official in the Division at any given time. 5g.9.3 Distribution. All official facility files must be made available for Division ATC members to download without restriction. 5g.9.4 Modifications. Users are permitted to modify official facility files for their own personal use, but may not distribute modified versions to other users. If negative feedback is received and can be attributed in whole or in part to the use of modified facility files, then continued use of those modified facility files is prohibited.
  20. Andrew Heath


    Use the left-hand side navigation menu to navigate terms for now. - POSCON Team

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