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Andrew Heath

Network Directors
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Everything posted by Andrew Heath

  1. No, I don't believe there is a requirement that the browser needs to remain open while you are connected, but again the UI is not fully developed yet. This does raise a lot of questions about how one would receive notifications if the browser is not open, but I believe we have a solution for that as well. I will post more detail when we are a little further along.
  2. P3D, FSX, and X-Plane Not sure I understand the VR question, what exactly are you asking? Our pilot client user interface will be web-based, so in theory if your add-on has an iPad in the cockpit and that add-on has a web browser built-in (e.g. Flight Factor A320), you could access the pilot client directly from the sim! This would allow you to remain completely immersed in the sim. I am not going to GUARANTEE that this is going to work, but we are attempting to develop it with this capability.
  3. For those interested in the military, we have created a military club to join:
  4. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Military Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Military during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected]
  5. No estimate at this time.
  6. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Netherlands Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Netherlands during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] Hallo en welkom bij iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de Nederlandse divisie van POSCON! Ik heb dit forum opgezet om de mogelijkheid te verkennen om een divisie voor Nederland vrij te geven tijdens bètatests. De enige manier om met deze divisie uit te komen is als genoeg mensen interesse tonen, dus laat al je vrienden lid worden van deze club en zorg ervoor dat ze actief blijven! Als er voldoende interesse en discussie is, zullen we onze middelen wijden aan het creëren van de noodzakelijke infrastructuur. We zullen echter uw hulp nodig hebben met het bouwen en schrijven van sectorbestanden! Als u interesse hebt om ons te helpen dit materiaal te schrijven, stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected]
  7. Oh trust me, Alaska is definitely a focal point for us as well. It does fall under the USA, so it will be covered. We are going to set up some information about VAs in the coming weeks, stay tuned for that.
  8. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Belgium & Luxembourg Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Belgium & Luxembourg during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] Hallo en welkom bij iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de divisie België & Luxemburg van POSCON! Ik heb dit forum gecreëerd om de mogelijkheid te onderzoeken om een divisie vrij te geven voor België en Luxemburg tijdens bètatests. De enige manier om met deze divisie uit te komen is als genoeg mensen interesse tonen, dus laat al je vrienden lid worden van deze club en zorg ervoor dat ze actief blijven! Als er voldoende interesse en discussie is, zullen we onze middelen wijden aan het creëren van de noodzakelijke infrastructuur. We zullen echter uw hulp nodig hebben met het bouwen en schrijven van sectorbestanden! Als u interesse hebt om ons te helpen dit materiaal te schrijven, stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected] Bonjour et bienvenue à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la division Belgique et Luxembourg de POSCON! J'ai créé ce forum pour explorer la possibilité de lancer une division pour la Belgique et le Luxembourg pendant les tests bêta. La seule façon dont nous allons sortir avec cette division est si suffisamment de gens montrent de l'intérêt, alors faites en sorte que tous vos amis se joignent à ce club et assurez-vous qu'ils restent actifs! Si l'intérêt et la discussion sont suffisants, nous consacrerons nos ressources à la création de l'infrastructure nécessaire. Nous aurons besoin de votre aide avec la construction de fichiers sectoriels et les procédures d'écriture! Si vous souhaitez nous aider à rédiger ce document, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à [email protected]
  9. Excellent! Any sector files or SOPs can be sent to [email protected] Please ensure you have permission to send any work that is not your own!
  10. Understood. The nomenclature is simply being used to indicate that the European countries are under a single "mega" division. We can always change it later to something more appropriate though. If you have suggestions, please feel free to PM me and we can discuss.
  11. Jordan added!
  12. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Jordan Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Jordan during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] مرحبا ومرحبا بكم في جميع المهتمين في شعبة الأردن من بوسكون! لقد أنشأت هذا المنتدى لاستكشاف إمكانية الإفراج عن تقسيم للأردن خلال اختبار بيتا. الطريقة الوحيدة التي سوف نطلق سراح مع هذا التقسيم هو إذا ما يكفي من الناس تظهر الفائدة، حتى الحصول على جميع أصدقائك للانضمام إلى هذا النادي والتأكد من أن تبقى نشطة! إذا كان هناك ما يكفي من الاهتمام والمناقشة، وسوف نكرس مواردنا لإنشاء البنية التحتية اللازمة. نحن بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم على الرغم من مع بناء ملف القطاع والكتابة الإجراءات! إذا كان لديك أي مصلحة في مساعدتنا في كتابة هذه المواد، يرجى البريد الالكتروني [email protected]
  13. Yep, I have Bluebell too, they are good. We are exploring a few different model sets currently and will probably have an update soon in regards to what we are using.
  14. Poland added. Europe in its totality will not be added in the beginning because it is just too big and diverse to feature on initial release; however, if enough interest is generated in specific regions of Europe, we will feature those on release. After release, we will move towards ensuring full European coverage.
  15. Added!
  16. https://www.ecac-ceac.org It is a way for us to label Europe as "one division" but still allow people to nominate specific FIRs.
  17. We are working on creating ATOP, so yes.
  18. Division Director (with no staff) ATMs (with limited staff such as TA, FE, and EC) WMs will no longer be a thing. This is all subject to change, but that is the initial plan.

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