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Andrew Heath

Network Directors
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Everything posted by Andrew Heath

  1. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Denmark Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Denmark during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] Hej og velkommen til alle interesserede i Danmarks division POSCON! Jeg har lavet dette forum for at undersøge muligheden for at frigive en division til Danmark under beta test. Den eneste måde, vi vil frigive med denne division er, hvis nok folk viser interesse, så få alle dine venner til at deltage i denne klub og sørg for at de bliver aktive! Hvis der er nok interesse og diskussion, vil vi bruge vores ressourcer til at skabe den nødvendige infrastruktur. Vi skal bruge din hjælp, dog med sektor fil konstruktion og skriftlige procedurer! Hvis du har nogen interesse i at hjælpe os med at skrive dette materiale, bedes du maile [email protected]
  2. @Maximilian Sauer @Duarte Almeida @Cabanach @Bernardo Reis @Bruno Esperanza
  3. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Portugal Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Portugal during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] Olá e seja bem vindo a todos os interessados na Divisão Portugal da POSCON! Eu criei este fórum para explorar a possibilidade de lançar uma divisão para Portugal durante o teste beta. A única maneira de liberarmos com essa divisão é se pessoas suficientes demonstrarem interesse, então peça a todos os seus amigos para se unirem a este clube e garantir que eles continuem ativos! Se houver interesse e discussão suficientes, dedicaremos nossos recursos à criação da infraestrutura necessária. Vamos precisar da sua ajuda com os procedimentos de construção e escrita do arquivo de setor! Se você tem algum interesse em nos ajudar a escrever este material, por favor envie um email para [email protected]
  4. @Harry Cameron Yes, ratings will transfer for the first 6 months or so after release. After that, you will have to start training over again if you don't sign up.
  5. @ml0130 No, it will definitely be a different interface.
  6. @Fabio We are not accepting any more alpha testers right now and we have not announced how our beta tester process will work.
  7. @ml0130 Controllers will be able to manipulate CPDLC both through the data block and a CPDLC menu.
  8. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Jamaica Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Jamaica during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected]
  9. @SquawkModeCharlie I will be the first to admit that I too was disappointed that we missed our June beta deadline, but after working closely with our developers to bring us to Alpha, I now fully understand the complexities that go into developing a flight simulation network. It is a very large challenge to say the least. We are generally not concerned with marketing or gaining a significant amount of new members at this point, because well, whats the point? We don't need to raise capital and we don't feel that putting our name out there anymore than we already have will have a significant impact. Our best marketing strategy right now is word of mouth from the people that read this forum. I can confidently say the correct course of action is to put 100% of our effort into developing an amazing product rather than an amazing marketing strategy. You are absolutely correct though, a large marketing campaign is necessary at some point and will most likely occur around the open beta stage when having a significant amount of members makes a lot of sense. Thanks for your insight!
  10. Haha that is ambitious @aeroniemi but not a bad Easter egg idea. We love Easter eggs btw, you can expect a lot of them on POSCON ?
  11. Yes, we are having some issues with our signup process. We are switching to a different SSO. We hope to have the whole thing fixed a few days, but our web developer is in Russia following the World Cup. He will be getting to it soon! Thanks for your patience.
  12. Recording of radar events AND voice are planned features.
  13. Hi, ya sorry for not getting better videos from Expo! We were hoping that more streamers would have passed by and created some video content for us, but they didn't ? Anyway, we hope to eventually post some more videos on our Facebook page (and here) in the coming weeks! @morkunas Btw, that video is absolutely amazing! I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
  14. until

    Hi, there was an interview on Sky Blue Radio. Streamers never stopped by for a full interview (not sure why). But anyway, we were thinking about scheduling a Q and A in the near future on a stream, probably Matt Davies's stream. Stay tuned!
  15. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Dominican Republic Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Dominican Republic during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] ¡Hola y bienvenidos a todos los interesados en la División de POSCON de la República Dominicana! Creé este foro para explorar la posibilidad de lanzar una división para República Dominicana durante las pruebas beta. La única forma en que vamos a lanzar esta división es si hay suficiente gente interesada, ¡así que haz que todos tus amigos se unan a este club y asegúrate de que se mantengan activos! Si hay suficiente interés y debate, dedicaremos nuestros recursos a crear la infraestructura necesaria. Sin embargo, vamos a necesitar su ayuda con la construcción de archivos del sector y los procedimientos de escritura. Si tiene interés en ayudarnos a escribir este material, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]
  16. Why not? I like surprises, don't you? ? We are not preparing divisions yet, so this does not matter yet. Alright, alright. Since you are very persistent, I will give you some beta information. Here is the tentative schedule: - From now until mid-September: Alpha - From mid-September until the end of December: Closed Beta - From January 2019 until to a time yet to be determined: Open Beta
  17. Younghoon, They do not respond because they are busy working on the projects we have tasked them to do. Their lack of communication is not a bad thing, I can assure you of that.

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