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Andrea M. (1015884)

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Posts posted by Andrea M. (1015884)

  1. On 4/5/2020 at 9:05 AM, Joaquin Mocellin (1017059) said:

    hi,  how can i get the client?? 

    Hello Joaquim.

    Currently the client could be accessible only if you had receive an invite for the participation to POSCON Invite only Beta phase 1. As I can see, your profile have now the indication "registered users" and not the "members" status.

    The clients can be accessible only if you're approved.

    Hope to see you soon inside POSCON Network!! 

  2. 3 hours ago, Don M. (1014691) said:
    • 1
    • 14 posts

    Great flight and seems like all worked great.  A couple of things I need for clarification with this beta.

    First;  In this beta flight what is supposed to work . In the WEB UI there is a lot of blue that doesn't seem to activate and the ones that do activate seem to really do nothing for the flight.  But probably just beta situations.

    Second;  I agree with info on flight plan.  For those that use sim brief ;  File the flight plan with the 3 options world be great. all the info is there with one click.  

    Third;  In the flight I was using ATC radio from the sim that changed radio Freq  and squawk as needed.  But When I went into the radio I saw that there was a different squawk code so I squawk that code thinking that this was the correct one for POSCON Control.  I set up the flight plan in POSCON and submitted it but don't know if it was rec and was being used in the flight. I have to think that it was. I used what items were available in WEB UI.  

    At this time in  Beta and first flight is there anything else that I need to be seeing working?

    In the flight I was put into the ghost mode,  Why????

    Hope this will help abit with new people .



    Hello Don,

    We are glad to hear that you had a great flight experience during the flight. About Simbrief, yes, it could be a great idea have a system which allow to import from Simbrief the flightplan. About Squawk codes use always the squawk code which will be assigned for your IFR flights.

    Which message was appeared when you was put into ghost mode?

    Saluti da Milano, Italia

    • Haha 1
  3. Ciao a tutti, poco fa è stato rilasciato il seguente comunicato da Andrew Heath, fondatore di POSCON, sul server Discord:


    Thanks to all who have tested our services over the last few days. We like what we are seeing in regards to our server performance and we are prepared to invite a lot more people into the test. Effective immediately, those who are currently in the test can go to the 3-dot menu and click on "Invite a User". You are authorized to invite up to two of your close friends to join the test. As a reminder, make sure to invite wisely. Approval emails will likely go out next week sometime after we fix a few of these bugs people have been reporting! Thanks again for all the reports, they are really helping us to make this a solid and stable platform. NOTE: In order to get the invite feature work, please log out and back into your POSCON account. Additionally, we want see the capabilities of those refresh rates. Invited testers, come test your landing skills tomorrow, April 5th, 2020 at TNCM at 1700z to 1900z. RSVP here:



    Spero che la notizia sarà di vostro gradimento. Un cordiale saluto a tutti.

  4. Oggi è iniziata di fatto la beta, come riportato da Andrew sulla sezione announcements dentro il server Discord generale,


    Today is April 1st. You might see a few people posting silly things today that are untrue. While you may not believe it yet, here is something that is true: approval emails for Invite-Only Beta are going to be rolled out starting in a few short hours! Hope to see you online!

    Di conseguenza, coloro che sono stati invitati verranno man mano approvati manualmente dal team di POSCON. Il processo una volta completato, vi farà accedere al network e potrete così testare il Pilot Client. Sappiamo che ovviamente potreste avere problematiche, pertanto in caso riscontrerete problemi, siamo pronti a darvi una mano. Vi spiegheremo tutto quello che serve fare affinchè sin dalla vostra prima connessione possiate divertirvi senza intoppi.

    Per coloro che non hanno ricevuto l'invito, non preoccupatevi. Appena possibile vi informeremo qua sul forum. Dopotutto, la beta su invito non è soggetta alla non divulgazione (salvo particolari eccezioni), e quindi molto probabilmente, potrete comunque esplorare il network attraverso le live Twitch di alcuni degli utenti invitati. Proprio oggi, infatti, un utente ha effettuato uno streaming per tutta la community di POSCON per mostrare cosa sarà possibile trovare su questo fantastico network.

    Se volete vedere la sua live, cliccate questo link (il link sarà però accessibile entro 14 giorni, dato che Twitch cancella le live che sono datate): LIVE 1 Aprile di Bish753

    IPer qualsiasi problema, non esitate a contattare me o Giorgio! Un cordiale saluto a tutti.

  5. Se volete candidarvi, aggiungo che serve che abbiate impostato dentro hq.poscon.net la vostra data di nascita, questo è necessario sia se maggiorenni, che minorenni con approvazione genitoriale. Altrimenti non potrete partecipare. Abbiamo riscontrato problemi con alcuni utenti che hanno chiesto l'invito.

  6. Selezione aperta. Per non perdere la possibilità di essere ammessi, non esitate e mandate la vostra richiesta il prima possibile. Ricordiamo che come previsto dalle condizioni d'uso, i minori di 16 anni devono mandare al network una dichiarazione firmata dai genitori, o chi ne fa le veci, per poter accedere alla fase di beta su invito. Se non lo avete fatto, cliccate QUA per vedere cosa serve per rispettare i requisiti della minor policy.

  7. Buona sera a tutti,

    abbiamo ricevuto la notizia da POSCON HQ che i beta tester possono procedere ad invitare i primi membri iscritti a POSCON per la fase di beta su invito. Si tratta di una opportunità unica, pertanto vogliamo spiegarvi alcune cose:

    1-Potreste già aver ricevuto da parte di alcuni membri dell'HQ di POSCON un invito ad unirvi alla fase 1. Per questa fase, è altamente raccomandato un account Discord, essere già presenti dentro il server generale Discord di POSCON e aver collegato il proprio account Discord al proprio profilo di POSCON (non vi spiegiamo subito come va fatto questo passaggio, appena possibile aggiorneremo le istruzioni in merito)

    2-Gli inviti da parte del team italiano: gli inviti che verranno assegnati dal team italiano sono 15. Se avete in dotazione un invito dall'HQ, non vi servono i nostri. Qualora avreste richiesto un invito ma noterete un invito da parte dell'HQ, avvisateci privatamente con la funzione di messaggistica del forum. Di questi 15 inviti, 5 a testa per ogni singolo membro del nostro team, 3 saranno assegnati su iniziativa del singolo membro del team di POSCON Italia, e 2 saranno assegnati liberamente. La scelta, seppur contestabile, è dovuta a 2 fattori principali che non possiamo ignorare. Il primo è che durante questa fase, serve più gente possibile che voli, e nel caso qualcuno di voi perdesse interesse, be, qua arriviamo al secondo punto, che è per noi molto delicato, visto che se violerete le condizioni d'uso di POSCON e/o il codice di condotta, non solo questa opportunità potrebbe finire in anticipo per voi, ma metterete a serio rischio la persona responsabile della vostra ammissione alla fase di beta.

    3-Molto probabilmente, potrete, e vi invitiamo calorosamente se possibile, fotografare, filmare, o effettuare live stream, nonchè parlare liberamente al di fuori del network, della vostra partecipazione alla fase di beta su invito. Ricordiamo però che è pur sempre una beta, non tutte le funzionalità che avrete a disposizione potrebbero lavorare come previsto. Se avrete problemi, noi siamo a vostra disposizione.

    4-Una community come POSCON può esistere solo grazie alla sua utenza, se sarete impressionati positivamente dalle funzionalità e dai software offerti, vi invitiamo ad invitare più gente possibile ad iscriversi. Anche perchè la fase successiva sarà anch'essa su invito, prima della open beta.

    5-Il server Discord di Poscon Italia è comunque già attivo, vi invitiamo anche ad iscrivervi ad esso anche qualora non risulterete tra i fortunati che potranno testare in anteprima il network.

    6-La fase iniziale non vi permetterà comunque di connettervi quando vorrete, ma solo ed esclusivamente durante le sessioni di massa di beta testing. Chiederemo se possibile, di potervi dare alcuni dettagli in più. Nel caso aggiorneremo questo topic.

    7-Dal 19 Dicembre, vi invitiamo a mandare un messaggio privato con il forum a me oppure a Giorgio Bella, dove vi presentate, ci lasciate il vostro recapito mail che avete usato per iscrivervi a POSCON, ci parlate se avete già avuto esperienze con altri network, e per verificare che abbiate un minimo di conoscenze teoriche del volo, ci serve che ci rispondiate a questa domanda: "Dove posso scaricare le carte aeronautiche UFFICIALI civili per l'Italia, nonchè quali sono i livelli semicircolari di volo in Italia?" In tal modo, la gente invitata sarà comunque gente con un livello minimo di skill aeronautiche, necessario per questa fase di testing.

    Vi auguro una buona serata, se avete domande, contattateci.


  8. On 12/5/2019 at 3:13 AM, Leonardo said:

    División Sudamérica, Andrew!!!

    Hello Leonardo,

    divisions are estabilished by single nations, not for multiple countries. Try to see if your country have a club inside the forum section for divisions.

    Best regards from Italy ?

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Ct Ng said:

    I see that there are bot planes in the first public release of POSCON, I hope I am not wrong. If it doesn't, I hope POSCON can allow atc of less popular airports to generate traffic. For the first few times, atc has to manually type the route and other stuff of the flight plan for them. After the database is big enough, the system will auto pick a flight when the atc request generating a flight. To control these planes, atc has to manually select the speed and direction/taxiway for them with their mouse, while speaking on the radio simulating a conversation with the bot pilot.

    POSCON do not need to simulate the bot pilot's reply. The atc will do the pilot's read-back too. POSCON only need to change the pitch of the atc when the atc is acting as a pilot.

    Truly it sounds a bit weird, but when these planes can attract real players to fly into those airports, then one day atc might not need to generate bot planes to fill up the empty airport.

    Hello Ct Ng,

    I found some grammatical errors inside your message (don't worry, for me was very hard learn english), but luckly, I had understand which are your requests and idea's about how it should work the bot system.

    The bot system was one of the main reason which has convinced me to join POSCON. A good system like this could allow for the ATC's with a low rank, to control with a minimum number of traffic guaranteed from/to the airport which is under their responsability. In addition, the opportunity to control a minimum number of flights can reduce the number of trainings required for a specific ATC rank, and make this process more faster and more efficient about theoretic side

    I can't however release details about how it will works and the development. If you will luck, maybe someone of HQ can give you a reply.

    Greetings from Italy. PS: check HERE if it was created a club inside the forum for a division inside your country. If no, ask here to create a club for a potential division for your country. When will be created the club, you can help POSCON for your country if you promove the network to your flight sim friends!

  10. Hello proud members of POSCON, if you're from Europe, expecially from an Eurocontrol country, and you need to validate your IFR flight to see if everything it's correct, from few days Eurocontrol has asked to IFPS to remove the validation system from their site. The validation system it's available here on this page from an Eurocontrol website called Eurocontrol Network Operations Portal NOP

    When you will click over the link, you're will be redirected on the table called "Tacticals". Go down on this table, on the right side it's present a subsection called "Flight Planning". Inside this subsection click on Free Text Editor. Will be opened a popup where will be possible insert all data's for your flight and make the validation.

    If will be reported some errors, any error will be reported with a alfanumeric code. Go to the RAD system of Eurocontrol here and select the current AIRAC in use.

    After that you have selected the AIRAC cycle, open the PDF file RAD Consolidated Version and search any code reported from the validation system to find which errors was made with your automatic flight planner, such PFPX or Simbrief.

    I hope that will be helpful for your flights!

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 7/26/2019 at 9:09 AM, veselko said:

    I'm new here, but I stoped with VATSIM because of bad training.

    I'm 70 years old and former ATC in Croatia and my trainer was 20 years old student who has no connection to ATC in real life.

    Also I waited for training nearly 1 year.

    Sorry for this question, probably inappropriate, but if I remember, if you had a license as ATC in real life, you can show this on VATSIM to get immediately an ATC rating...however, this trainer was in any case, able to explain how it work an ATC inside a tower? I could be surprised if it wasn't able to explain which steps, stuff, informations any other elements  are necessary for a TWR

    • Like 1
  12. On 4/8/2019 at 7:26 PM, Andrew H. said:

    @Tim S

    I agree that innovation is the key here. I am a firm believer in breaking the norms of online flight simulation and busting through barriers that previously prevented many people from joining. There is clearly a market outside of the already established user bases, just look at these results from the 2018 Navigraph Survey. Innovation is the key, POSCON cannot simply be a VATSIM/IVAO version 2.0 and we have no intention of being that. 



    I saw just only now this post, and about this comment that  was made by Andrew, I was litteraly surprised from the questionnaire. Seems that the majority of flight simmers that doesn't fly online, doesn't want perform a flight on their pc with real time settings or be forced to don't stop their simulation. Before to read this topic, my opinion was that probably, the main reason because these flight simmers would fly offline is connected to the lack of documentation "newbie-friendly", or the quality of these informations. When I joined IVAO on 18th March 2013, then VATSIM in 2014, I was litteraly surprised about what it was possible doing with these network. Before, I was only a user that has performed his flight with FSX until the closing of gamespy servers. However, I was also interest to join a virtual airline because I was interest to know other flight simmers and comparize my flight experience with other flight sim enthusiast. IVAO and VATSIM has given me the opportunity to know better the entire community of flight simulation, from any country of the world. I'm litteraly surprised that a lot of people doesn't know that it's possible perform online with any network some operations that doesn't need a great theoretic knowledge, and that I learned with my flight experiences on both network.


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