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6.2 - Member Conduct
6.2.1 - General
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

The following policy apply to all members of the POSCON Network.

Membership of POSCON is governed by a set of shared member expectations based on core values. In other words, we rely on the fact that people generally know what right and wrong are. POSCON expects members, whenever they are communicating on POSCON venues, to act within the confines of the network’s shared values:

POSCON venues include but are not limited to:

  • Discords servers run by POSCON
  • POSCON Forums
  • Social media accounts or groups run by POSCON
  • CPDLC, ACARS, or any private chat on POSCON services
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies run by POSCON (VHF, UHF, HF frequencies)
6.2.2 - User Created Content
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

In addition to the policies outlined in 6.2, user created content must also comply with applicable policies in:

6.2.3 - Special Rights
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

POSCON membership is a privilege, NOT a right. This is not a public utility and members do not have any special government-issued rights. Other than avoiding cases of discrimination, POSCON has no special responsibility when it comes to allowing members access to the network.

6.2.4 - Respect
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

Users demonstrate respect for one another by having due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, achievements, or traditions of others. In addition, users who are respectful are also courteous. Behavior that can be characterized as egotistical (know-it-alls), narcissistic, rude, or aggressive is the antithesis of respect and this type of behavior will not be tolerated on POSCON venues.

6.2.5 - Responsibility
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

Users demonstrate responsibility on POSCON by behaving in a way that adheres to our policies and procedures. In addition, users who are responsible are also accountable for their actions. Failure to admit errors, concede when wrong, or refusing to comply with our policies is the antithesis of responsibility and is not tolerated on POSCON venues.

6.2.6 - Empathy
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

Users demonstrate empathy for one another by having patience and understanding. POSCON attracts a whole spectrum of experience levels and the ability to be tolerant of someone who may not know as much as you is a core value of POSCON. Behavior that can be characterized as lacking restraint or unempathetic will not be tolerated on POSCON venues.

6.2.7 - Honesty
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

Users demonstrate honesty on POSCON by maintaining their integrity and upholding a set of moral principles. Behavior that can be characterized by deceitfulness is the antithesis of honesty and will not be tolerated on POSCON venues.


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