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9.4 - Real-World Verification Badges
9.4.1 - General
Revision: 10 Jul 2022


The Real-World Verification Badge is an optional feature used to identify those individuals that have achieved a certain level of real-world status in aviation. The badge is completely optional, but POSCON encourages all users who meet the eligibility requirements to apply. Once approved, the badge will be displayed next to a user's name throughout the HQ. The purpose of the badge is to legitimize the accuracy of comments, forum posts, and other content created by those users as they discuss real-world aviation topics.

9.4.2 - Types & Eligibility
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

There are two types of Real-World Verification Badges available to users on POSCON:

  • "RW Pilot" - This badge identifies a user who has achieved a high level of experience as a real-world pilot. Eligibility includes those users who possess an Air Transport Pilot license or equivalent.
  • "RW ATC" - This badge identifies a user who has achieved a high level of experience as a real-world ATC. Eligibility includes those users who possess an Air Traffic Control Specialist license or equivalent. Basically, any air traffic controller that has achieved at least one real-world solo position certification is eligible.
  • "RW ATC / Pilot" - This badge identifies a user who has achieved both of the above.
9.4.3 - Application
Revision: 10 Jul 2022

Those users who wish to apply for the Real-World Verification Badge must send an email to [email protected] and provide our team with the following details:

  1. The type of badge you are applying for (pilot or ATC)
  2. Your full name as it appears on the real-world license
  3. Real-world license number
  4. Your POSCON ID
  5. Either a picture/scan of the license (address can be redacted) OR a link to a publicly accessible website where the information can be verified by our team

NOTE: If you possess both an ATP and an ATC Specialist license (or equivalent), make sure to include both so we can indicate your status.


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