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5.3 - ATC
5.3.1 - Activity Requirements
Revision: 20 Mar 2022

Every 60 days (rolling), each Division ATC member must control:

  • 3 hours on each Restricted Sector they have authorization for; and
  • 6 hours in each Authority they have authorization for.

Certain waivers apply to the above requirements:

  • All Restricted Sectors that combine to the staffed Sector will be automatically credited with the same hours achieved on the staffed Sector.
  • The Authority for which the staffed Sector exists within will be automatically credited with the same hours achieved on the staffed Sector.

Failure to meet these requirements will result in the automatic revocation of either the Restricted Sector or Authority as applicable.

5.3.2 - Competency Checks
Revision: 20 Mar 2022

Division ATC members may be subjected to three different competency checks at the discretion of the Division training management:

  • Certification. This type of competency check is used to grant an initial qualification for a Restricted Sector or Authority.
  • Recertification. This type competency check is used to if the ATC previously held qualification, but lost it.
  • Special Tracking. This type of competency check is used to ensure that the ATC's knowledge and skills meet Division standards.
5.3.3 - Coordination
Revision: 20 Mar 2022

As a result of the requirements outlined in ATC Policies > Operational > Coordination, Division ATC members must join the respective Division Discord.

5.3.4 - Restricted Sectors
Revision: 20 Mar 2022

Divisions may request, and POSCON may approve, any Sector within a Division to be marked as restricted. Once a Sector is marked as restricted, the POSCON servers will only allow ATC users with the explicit certification to Sign-In to that Sector.

The request for sector restrictions must come from the Division Manager in writing and both the Director of Training and the Director of Operations need to approve in writing. A Division must demonstrate that a user can achieve the sector authorization through training in a reasonable timeframe before any sector restriction shall be approved.

Considerations for a sector restriction may be:

  • Complexity of airspace
  • Volume of traffic
  • Complex procedures

From time to time, the Director of Training and Director of Operations may audit sector restrictions to determine if the restriction is still warranted. As with the approval of a sector restriction, both the Director of Training and Director of Operations must unanimously agree that the restriction is not warranted for it to be removed.

5.3.3 - Restrictions
Revision: 20 Mar 2022

Users can only belong to three Divisions as an ATC user at any given time.


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