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3s - Scheduling
3s.1 - Booking
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

3s.1   Policy. Controllers are required to schedule (book) their ATC sessions here:


Controllers must accomplish this before each session. The server will automatically deny any Sign-In attempt if there is no booking or if the current time is greater than 10 minutes prior to the booking start time.

3s.2   Other Booking Rules. In addition to the above policy, controllers must comply with the following:

  • Make sure you show up for the scheduled time and you are online for a minimum of 90% of the scheduled time.
  • Minimum time to book a position for is one hour.
  • Maximum time to book a position for is eight hours. Additional hours must be added as a separate booking.
  • Make sure to update your current booking or add a new booking if you plan on staying on longer than anticipated.
  • Keep the "Additional Notes" section professional.

3s.3   Exemptions. Any user with Development Access can Sign-In to any position on POSCON without a booking.

3s.2 - Reliability Points
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

3s.2.1   Gaining Points. Controllers are eligible to earn Reliability Points if they stay online and active for at least 90% of the scheduled booking timeframe. The amount of points earned is dependent on the amount of time they scheduled. For every 15 minutes booked, five points will be earned.

3s.2.2   Losing Points. Controllers can lose Reliability Points for a number of different reasons such as:

  • Failing to book and signing into a position
    • Controllers will lose Reliability Points if they sign into a position for more than 15 minutes without creating a booking. For every 15 minutes they are signed in without a booking, five points shall be deducted from their score.
  • Modifying the start time of a booking
    • If a Controller modifies the start time of a booking to a later time, and the current time is within one hour of original start time, then Reliability Points will be deducted. For every 15 minutes of deviation from the original start time, five points shall be deducted.
  • Cancelling a booking
    • If a Controller cancels (deletes) a booking within one hour prior to the scheduled booking start time or anytime within the booking period, then Reliability Points will be deducted. The amount of points deducted is dependent on the amount of time the booking was originally scheduled for. For every 15 minutes booked, ten points shall be deducted.
  • No showing a booking
    • If a Controller is not online and active 10 minutes after the start of the scheduled booking, then the booking is automatically cancelled and Reliability Points will be deducted. The amount of points deducted is dependent on the amount of time the booking was originally scheduled for. For every 15 minutes booked, ten points shall be deducted.
  • Finishing early
    • If a Controller is online or active for less than 90% of the scheduled booking timeframe, then Reliability Points will be deducted. The amount of points deducted is dependent on the amount of time the booking was originally scheduled for. For every 15 minutes booked, five points shall be deducted.

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