The following policies apply at the time of connection and/or during all times while connected to the Positive Control Network.
8g.2.1 Pilots may only use globally recognized registration numbers or ICAO approved airline telephony/designators while connected to POSCON in the Live Mode (expand for exceptions).
This policy includes what is used in the "Aircraft Identification" and "Other information, REG/" sections on the ICAO Flight Plan form and for the ADS-B callsign. Exceptions to this policy include fake callsigns that have been pre-approved by POSCON for use on the network (e.g. approved Virtual Operators). Under no circumstances may a callsign contain derogatory or offensive words or connotations in ANY connection mode.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Ghost Mode
Enforced By:
Server; validates entries (ICAO Flight Plan form)
Moderators; only if reported by other users (ADS-B callsign)
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
None; if server validates
Subjective; depends on previous offences
8g.2.2 Connecting on or repositioning to a Movement Area is prohibited.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; forces Ghost Mode automatically (runways)
Moderators; only if reported by other users (taxiways)
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
None; if server forces Ghost Mode
Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.3 Connecting or repositioning to an occupied gate on the ground or in close proximity to other aircraft in the air is prohibited.
"Close proximity" in the air is defined as within 5 nautical miles (lateral) and 2,000 feet (vertical). Check the Live Map to see if there is another aircraft in close proximity to your aircraft's position before connecting. The best practice is to connect in the Ghost Mode first, then connect in the Live Mode.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; forces Ghost Mode automatically (on the ground)
Moderators; only if reported by other users (in the air)
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.4 Connecting or operating using an advanced simulation rate, slew mode, replay mode, or in paused mode is prohibited.
The server will not allow you to connect in the Live Mode until you return to a normal simulation rate, stop slewing, or unpause your simulator.
NOTE 1: In some simulators, entering a game menu will invoke a pause event.
NOTE 2: If you are on the ground and not moving, pausing is permitted.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; forces Ghost Mode automatically
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss: None
8g.2.5 X-Plane users must maintain an average framerate above 20 FPS over a pre-determined period of time.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; forces Ghost Mode automatically
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss: None
8g.2.6 Connecting in an abnormal flight condition is prohibited (e.g. If you are 10 NM from your destination at 35,000').
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.7 Connecting airborne in Controlled Airspace must be approved by ATC.
Once forced into Ghost Mode while airborne in Controlled Airspace, attempting an Unghost needs to be approved by ATC.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
ATC; through compliance timer
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
8g.2.8 Connecting as a military aircraft is restricted to members of a certificated Virtual Military Operator.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; prevents connection
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
8g.2.9 Pilots must use real-world/real-time winds aloft and atmospheric pressure settings.
Pilots can use whatever other weather settings they would like to use as long as using those settings do not interfere with air traffic operations. Pilots are NOT required to use the correct time of day.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; prevents connection (not currently implemented)
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.10 Callsigns of major hijackings and crashes may not be used.
This includes, but is not limited to the following callsigns: AAL11, AAL77, MAS17, MAS370, UAL93, UAL175, AWE1549, JAL123, AAL191, IRA655, SVA163, AIC182, THY981, KLM4805, PAA1736, CJC3407, LNI610, ETH961
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Ghost Mode
Enforced By:
Server; prevents connection in most cases
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.11 Connecting with or operating anything other than an "Aircraft" is prohibited.
This means you are not permitted to connect as a follow-me car, trucks, boats, etc.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences
8g.2.12 Users conducting Shared Cockpit operations must connect in the following configuration: 1 user in Live Mode; 1 user in Shared Cockpit Mode. (Not currently implemented)
Any point values are applied equally to both users when linked via Shared Cockpit.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; ensures compliance through system logic
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
8g.2.13 Simulated emergencies are allowed. If in Controlled Airspace, ATC reserves the right, workload permitting, to require the pilot to disconnect or ghost shall the pilot wish to continue the simulated emergency.
In general, even if in Uncontrolled Airspace, pilots should use sound judgment to ensure that their simulated emergency is not overly disruptive to other members.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
ATC; through compliance timer
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences and circumstances
8g.2.14 Squawking 7500 for more than 15 seconds is not permitted.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Ghost Mode
Enforced By:
Server; suspends user
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:-200 Quality points
8g.2.15 Do not intentionally run into other traffic while operating in the air or on the ground.
We understand accidents happen, but don't let it happen often.
Applies to Mode(s):
Live Mode
Enforced By:
Server; disables both users' engines (not currently implemented)
Moderator; only if reported by other users
Users; through bad Feedback
Point Adjustments:
Gain: None
Loss:Subjective; if a Moderator is involved and depends on previous offences and circumstances