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8o - Operational
8o.1 - Ground Ops: General
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to all ground operations.

  8o.1.1   Pilots must possess and use an airport diagram for navigation.
  8o.1.2   Taxi speeds of greater than 30 knots ground speed are prohibited.
  8o.1.3   Do not purposely block runway exits, especially high-speed exits, while taxiing.
  8o.1.4   On landing, ensure that the entire aircraft (including the tail) is clear of a runway and associated hold short lines even if this means positioning the aircraft on a parallel taxiway.
8o.2 - Ground Ops: Controlled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to ground operations that are conducted at a Controlled Airfield or in Controlled Airspace.

  8o.2.1   All pilots must obtain a clearance from ATC in order to conduct any operations on a Movement Area.
  8o.2.2   Compliance with all ATC instructions is mandatory unless you are unable due to operational or safety reasons.
  8o.2.3   Review all applicable Airport Advisory charts prior to taxiing.
8o.3 - Ground Ops: Uncontrolled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to ground operations that are conducted at an Uncontrolled Airfield or in Uncontrolled Airspace.

  8o.3.1   Give way to traffic when necessary; do not intentionally cut other traffic off.
8o.4 - Flight Ops: General
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to all flight operations.

  8o.4.1   Pilots must possess and use proper charts for the airfields and airspace they are operating in.
  8o.4.2   Comply with any ATS regulation, including airspace requirements, for the country in which you are operating in.
  8o.4.3   Review all applicable Airport Advisory charts prior to operating into an airport where Airport Advisory charts are provided for.
  8o.4.4   Pilots shall not exceed 270 KIAS below 10,000' MSL. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.5   Pilots are required to land in the touchdown zone of any runway. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.6   Do not exceed 2000 FPM below 2500 AFE. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.7   Do not exceed 1000 FPM below 1000 AFE. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.8   Never land with a tailwind greater than 15 knots. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.9   Never land with a crosswind greater than 40 knots. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.10   Do not exceed touchdown rate of -600 FPM. (Not currently implemented)
  8o.4.11   Simulated hijackings or the recreation of any hijack or crash scenario is strictly prohibited.
  8o.4.12   Military flight operations are restricted to members certified by the Military Division.
  8o.4.13   Supersonic flight is prohibited over any major continental landmass, except military flight operations conducted by the Military Division.
8o.5 - Flight Ops: Controlled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to flight operations that are conducted at a Controlled Airfield or in Controlled Airspace.

  8o.5.1   All pilots must obtain a clearance from ATC in order to operate into or out of Controlled Airfields or Controlled Airspace.
  8o.5.2   Compliance with all ATC instructions is mandatory unless you are unable due to operational or safety reasons.
8o.6 - Flight Ops: Uncontrolled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to flight operations that are conducted at an Uncontrolled Airfield or in Uncontrolled Airspace.

  8o.6.1   If departing or arriving at an airfield serviced by a D-ATIS, the active runways and instrument approaches in use specified in the D-ATIS broadcast must be used.
  8o.6.2   ATC may issue control instructions via CPDLC or via the appropriate ATC frequency so long as the pilot is within 50 NM of entering the lateral boundary of Controlled Airspace. Per Pilot Policy 3.2.3, the pilot can choose to ignore early contact attempts by ATC, thus the pilot can also choose to ignore early CPDLC control instructions as well. However, if the pilot does establish communication with ATC or WILCOs a CPDLC message, then the pilot is responsible for maintaining two-way communication and complying with all additional instructions.

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