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LOWI / INN - Kranebitten Airport (Innsbruck, AT)
Revision: 23 Feb 2022

Overview. Innsbruck Airport (IATA: INN, ICAO: LOWI), also known locally as Kranebitten Airport, is the largest international airport in Tyrol in western Austria. It is located approximately 4 kilometres (2+1⁄2 mi) from the centre of Innsbruck.

Runway Use. In calm conditions, runway 08 is used for departures and 26 for arrivals. During Foehn conditions, gusting winds and wind shears are to be expected. Usually pilots take a high TWC into account when approaching runway 08 due to a smoother approach during Foehn.

Transponder Use on Ground. Mode S transponder is mandatory. Select AUTO mode and assigned Mode A code. If AUTO mode is not AVBL, select ON or GND and assigned Mode A code.

  • from the request for push-back, start-up or taxi whichever is earlier;
  • after landing, continuously until the ACFT is fully parked on stand;
  • when fully parked on stand select STBY.

Scenery. There are multiple add-on sceneries available for Innsbruck. If you are using FSX/P3D, we strongly recommend that you download one because they incorporate recent updates that are not included in default scenery. If you decide to fly with scenery that is not included in the approved list, then make every effort to follow the controllers' instructions referencing the published taxiway diagrams.

MSFS Approved FSX/P3D Approved XP11 Approved
➢ ORBX Innsbruck ➢ ORBX Innsbruck ➢ ORBX Innsbruck
    ➢ X-Plane.at Innsbruck




Chart. Charts can be obtained from several providers, however, it is highly recommended you visit the Austrocontrol Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) which is accessible HERE. From there, select the latest airac cycle -> Part III - AD -> AD 2 -> select Karten/Charts below LOWI. Since the respective link changes with each new cycle a direct link won't be supplied.

Uncontrolled Operations. The following frequencies should be utilised only when POSCON ATC is offline.

Station VHF Frequency
Innsbruck ATIS 126.030
CTAF 120.100
Terminal and Ramp Area
Revision: 23 Feb 2022

Terminal Layout.


Gate Assignment. There are no actual published stands at Innsbruck. Arriving planes will be led to an empty space by a marshaller upon their arrival.

Start-up Clearances. Start-up clearance will be provided once the aircraft is ready to move from it's stand. Aircraft will request pushback once ready to do so from the tower controller.  If there are no planes next to one present, the stands serve as taxi-out positions. Thus, only a start-up clearance is required followed by a taxi clearance.

General Aviation. General Aviation planes as well as small business jet's usually park at the most eastern end of the apron. SEP and MEP GA planes that operate under IFR conditions require a start-up clearance prior to starting the engine. If operating under VFR no start-up clearance is required.

Flight Planning and Departure
Revision: 07 May 2022

CPDLC Login. Login: LOVV

Taxi Procedures. If required, ATC will issue a taxi clearance along the runway.

ATC Procedures.

AI Innsbruck Radar 128.975
TI Innsbruck Tower 120.100



Flight Planning. File a departure suitable for your departure runway. Some departures are not available from both runways. ATC may issue a different SID based on traffic situation and preferred runway.

De-Icing Procedures. De-Icing is available at the stand.

Noise Abatement Procedures. Please refer to the AIP of Austria HERE. Aktuelle Ausgabe / current version -> PART III - AD -> LOWI

Arrival Procedures
Revision: 23 Feb 2022

Arrival Routes. Upon filing a flight plan, ensure you add a planned STAR. Adherence to published altitude restrictions is required. ATC may issue vectors or other arrivals to ELMEM or RTT.

Speed Restrictions. Unless otherwise instructed or approved by ATC, maximum airspeed below 10.000ft in class D, E and G airspace is 250 KTS IAS

Clear The Runway. The runway should be vacated in the most expeditious manner. If unable to comply, advise ATC.

ATC Procedures. Due to high terrain surrounding the airport, familiarization with the MRVA/MVA is advised. Alternatively aircraft should be cleared via the respective STAR and vertical profile to each Instrument Approach Procedure. Ensure enough spacing between arrivals and departures. Increase separation during Foehn.

Warning notices
Revision: 23 Feb 2022


Familiarization with the airport prior to arriving is advised! Due to high terrain and steep approach paths and tight turns extensive briefing is recommended. When approaching during times of low illumination strict adherence to lateral and vertical paths is mandatory to ensure enough terrain clearance.


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