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Pilot Resources

LIME/BGY - Bergamo Orio Al Serio
Revision: 24 Jul 2022


City Bergamo
Airport/ATS Operational Hours Available 24/7

Scenery. We highly recommend to use of one of the following sceneries, in order to avoid issues to the Air Traffic Controller due to missing parkings/taxiways and for you to enjoy at your best any flight to this aerodrome:

FSX/P3D P3D V4 Xplane MSFS
LIME by AEROSOFT (payware) LIME by AEROSOFT (payware)

LIME by MrSeptimus (freeware)

LIME by AEROSOFT (payware)

LIME by Tailstrike Designs airport (payware)


Freeware Payware
Italian eAIP (registration required) Navigraph


Revision: 24 Jul 2022

Type of traffic permitted. IFR/VFR

Airspace classification. Bergamo ATZ is class D airspace. Its vertical limits SFC -2000ft AMSL. Transition altitude is 6000 ft.

Preferential RWY. Bergamo has two runways, 10/28 and 12/30:

  • RWY 10/28, preferential runway is RWY 28. Such RWY is used by IFR commercial air traffic. RWY10 will be in force for take-off from 2300LT to 0600LT unless safety or meteorological reasons require use of RWY 28 (LVO included). RWY 10 will be available for landing and take-off from 0600LT till 0700LT unless safety, meteorological reasons require use of RWY 28. All training flights with airplanes/helicopters are forbidden on this runway
  • RWY 12/30, is available from sunrise to sunset -/+ 30 only for general aviation VFR flights. Runway to be considered closed on Monday. VFR flights for training purposes with single engine and light airplanes are allowed. Pilots shall consider that wind, visibility and clouds information communicated by ATC refer to RWY 10 or 28 depending on the active runway. RWY 12 is preferential for take-off and landing however, twin engine airplanes SHALL take-off from RWY 30 and landing on RWY 12 unless meteorological conditions require differently.

Low Visibility Procedures (LVP).

LVP will be in force when:

  • RVR is equal or less than 550 m and/or
  • when cloud base height is below 200 ft according to the meteorological local report and/or
  •  the rapid deterioration of weather conditions recommends so
  •   pilots will be informed by ATIS and/or ATC communication when LVP are in force.

Operations in CAT II, CAT III A/B and LVTO arrivals are allowed only for RWY 28. Departures may also be allowed from RWY 10, when LVP are in force, for meteorological reasons or aircraft performance require so for safety purposes.

Aerodrome operating minima is RVR not less than 75m.

If LVP are in force, following restrictions apply for taxi:

a) Arriving aircraft

Landing aircraft shall vacate RWY 28 on:

  •  TWY EA if directed to Main/South Apron
  • TWY G if directed to North Apron

b) Departing aircraft

Aircraft shall enter RWY 28:

  • via TWY G coming from North Apron
  •  via TWY A coming from Main/south Apron or from TWY T

With RVR below 400 m take off run must be started from INT TAKE-OFF A with reduced TORA of 2741 m

In case of departure for RWY 10 aircraft shall enter:

  •  via TWY G coming from North Apron;
  •   via TWY EB coming from Main/south Apron.

With RVR below 400 m take off run must be started from INT TAKE-OFF EA with reduced TORA of 2655 m

c) Mandatory reports

In reduced visibility conditions all pilots shall report to Orio TWR:

  • reaching RHP/IHP, unless otherwise instructed by TWR;
  • when ILS sensitive area has been vacated as identified by the end of the green/yellow colour coded TWY centerline lights;
  • reaching the stand.

For taxi procedures, refer to applicable charts.

Revision: 24 Jul 2022

Flight Planning. RNAV SIDs must be used when the aircraft is RNAV capable. If unable, ATC must be warned when requesting clearence.

Departure Clearances (DCL). Please ask for departure clearance 10 minutes before EOBT.

Pushback and Start-up. Clearance for pushback and start-up must be obtained by ATC. When requesting pushback, the aircraft should be in an Aircraft Ready State which means:

  •  Aircraft doors and holds are closed
  • Aircraft Safe Area is clear from all objects, vehicles and personnel
  •  Aircraft de-icing has been performed (if needed)
  • Aircraft is ready for start-up and taxi/power back/pushback
  • Pushback tractor is connected (in case of a nose-in stand)



In self-manoeuvring stands exit through apron taxilane K or J then taxi as cleared. In pushback stands, the manoeuvre starts on the apron and ends on taxiway T.


Only self-manoeuvring stands. Exit on Taxiway W then taxi as cleared.

Speed Restrictions. When under radar control and after completing Noise Abatement procedures, pilots shall maintain maximum 230 KT until crossing 6000 FT, and 250 KT between 6000 FT and FL100.

Above limit may be removed by ATC using the phrase “No ATC restrictions on speed”.

Pilots not able to comply shall warn ATC when requesting clearance.

If unable during flight, ATC shall be warned immediately while maintaining minimum operational speed acceptable.

Noise Abatement.

Any instrument RWY 28 departure, except for safety reasons, shall be performed in accordance to ICAO DOC 8168 Noise Abatement Departure Procedure 1 (NADP1) as follows:

  • below 800ft AAL: climb speed V2 plus 10kt
  •  at or above 800ft AAL: perform thrust reduction
  •  between 800ft AAL and 3000ft AAL: climb speed at V2 plus 10 to 20kt, maintain thrust reduction and FLAP/SLAT in take-off configuration.
  •  At 3000 ft AAL accelerate to climb speed and retract FLAP/SLAT as required

The use of reverse thrust at a power higher than idle is allowed only for proven safety reasons.

Minimum RWY occupancy. As far as possible pre-flight checks shall be completed before line-up; other checks after line-up shall be carried out as quickly as possible. Departing Aircraft shall comply with ATC clearance to line up without delay. Take-off run shall start immediately after take-off clearance. If unable to comply, ATC shall be warn prior to lining up. In case of snow, take-off run shall start immediately after take-off clearance. If unable to comply, instruction to vacate the runway as soon as possible shall be expected.

Revision: 24 Jul 2022

Flight Planning. RNAV STARs must be used where the aircraft is RNAV capable. If unable, ATC must be warned at first contact.

Speed Restrictions. Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, pilots of arriving aircraft shall comply with speed limits published in STAR/Initial approach charts.

For STARs in which limits are not published or if being vectored, pilots shall apply the following restrictions:

  • 230 KT at or below FL100, or at ELBOD, VAGUX, BEG VOR, COD Locator
  • 210 KT starting base turn at 20NM from Touchdown Zone
  •  190 KT at 12 nm from Touchdown Zone
  • 160 KT at 5nm from Touchdown Zone

Minimum RWY occupancy. After vacating RWY, aircraft shall not be stopped before having passed the holding line signal.

  •  Approaching RWY28 plan to vacate via D if direct to south apron or F if north
  •  Approaching RWY10, plan to vacate via B

If unable to comply, TWR must be warned at first contact



Aircraft stands shall be entered via taxiway T.


Aircraft stands shall be entered via taxiway G, then APRON taxilane Y.

Communication failure. If unable to establish contact with ATC:

  • Squawk A7600
  • If approach clearance already received: Continue approach
  •  Approach clearance not received:

RNAV-equipped aircraft: Maintain assigned level and proceed along STAR, or expected STAR if not assigned, until TIXUM, ELBOD or BEG, then descent  to minimum holding altitude and start the approach

NON-RNAV equipped aircraft: Maintain assigned level and proceed according to current FPL to ELBOD/BEG then start descend and approach for landing. If an expected approach time has been assigned, approach shall be started at EAT.

If an expected approach time has been assigned, approach shall be started at EAT.

Revision: 24 Jul 2022

General. As above reported, in Bergamo also VFR operations are approved. In real life, VFR traffic belonging to local Flying club is allowed to use RWY 12/30 and related Flying Club Apron, whereas general aviation traffic not belonging to Flying club has to use RWY 10/28 and apron north/south as requested by ATC. However, to make operations in POSCON easier, also VFR traffic not simulating “Flying club of Bergamo” may use RWY 12/30 and Flying club apron.

Noise abatement. In order to reduce noise on the neighbourhood located South of Bergamo city:

  • VFR traffic taking off for RWY 10 has to maintain runway heading till passing Serio river then proceed according to flight plan or tower instructions
  • downwind leg for RWY 28/10 shall be flown not below altitude 1500 ft avoiding AZZANO S. PAOLO and GRASSOBBIO
  • base turn for RWY 28 shall be initiated East of Serio river

During night VFR operation, VFR traffic taking off from RWY 28 shall follow the same IFR initial climb procedure with visual reference to the motorway toll gate.

Reporting/Entry/Exit points.

  • East: ROVATO (MEE1)

Traffic circuit.

  • RWY 10/28 always southwest of the runway (10 RIGHT not standard, 28 LEFT)
  • RWY 12/30 always Northeast of the runway (12 RIGHT not standard, 30 LEFT)

NOTE: RWY 12/30 circuit. Max attention shall be paid to Prohibited Area “P142” from   SFC-1500 AGL on downwind. It’s strongly suggested to perform continuous left turn (right in case of rwy 30) after departure crossing 300ft AGL joining directly downwind leg. Due to the narrow circuit, it’s suggested to maintain a maximum altitude of 1500 AMSL to assure correct approach path while joining final.


Ultralight aircraft operations. Ultralight aircrafts are not allowed to enter Bergamo ATZ.

VMC. Those of a class D airspace apply. Special VFR applicable.

Night VFR. Allowed from sunset +30 – 2300LT for noise abatement. Attention shall be paid due to aerodrome located in mountainous area: except when authorized to special VFR flight by the competent ATC unit, ground visibility shall not be less than 8 km and ceiling shall not be less than 1500 ft for take-off, landing and aerodrome traffic circuit. Landing allowed only on RWY 28 with left traffic pattern. Entry points are ALZANO LOMBARDO (MEN1), ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA (MES1), TREZZO SULL’ADDA (MEW1), ROVATO (MEE1).

Flying club Apron.


  • Only one aircraft movement at a time is allowed, arriving aircraft will normally have taxing priority over departing aircraft;
  • Pilots of departing aircraft shall request to Orio TWR the permission to move from the parking position when ready to taxi with engines running;
  • Pilots of arriving aircraft shall report to Orio TWR when arriving at the parking position before shutting down the engine.
Revision: 24 Jul 2022

Uncontrolled Operations. The following frequencies should be utilized only when POSCON ATC is offline:

Station VHF Frequency
Bergamo Arrival and Departure Information (ATIS) 114.950 (not currently operational – VOICE mode of BEG VOR)
CTAF 122.950*
Emergency Frequency (Guard) 121.500

*Bergamo has no published CTAF, so the standard frequency (122.95) must be used.

Controlled Operations.

Station VHF Frequency
Milano Radar 126.300
Milano Radar (SRN SID) 126.750
Bergamo Tower 125.875
Bergamo Ground 120.505
Emergency Frequency (Guard) 121.500

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