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Andrew Heath

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Everything posted by Andrew Heath

  1. The Pilot Client supports voice communication over the POSCON network.
  2. You can adjust the settings of the Pilot Client by accessing the POSCON/Settings menu item. The following figure shows the items that can be adjusted: ADS-B Callsign: Enter your tail number, flight number, or appropriate ADS-B ACID. This field is required to login. Aircraft Type Code: This is the current aircraft ICAO code that will be used when you login. If you start typing in the field a filtered list of valid type codes will appear that you can pick from using your mouse. Airline Code: This is the current airline ICAO code that will be used when you login. If you start typing in the field a filtered list of valid airline codes will appear that you can pick from using your mouse. Leave this field blank if you are flying as a General Aviation flight. Recent Aircraft: The POSCON client will remember that last 20 aircraft you logged in as. You can select a flight from this list to prepopulate the Callsign, Type, and Airline Code fields. Max Planes: This controls the maximum number of planes that will be displayed. The Pilot Client will be notified of all aircraft that are within a 50 nautical mile range of your plane’s current position. In high traffic situations this could cause the Pilot Client to attempt to render a large number of planes thereby affecting performance. This setting allows you to limit the number of rendered plane’s regardless of how many are within the 50 mile range. Traffic Labels: The client can render an aircraft label over any displayed traffic. Choose no label or the various combinations of callsign, type, and airline code you wish to have displayed. Audio Devices: Use the Listen and Capture device drop-downs to select the audio devices you want to use for your radios. Choosing the default device will use the current default listen / capture device you have configured in your operating system. Note: You will need to configure a Push to Talk (PTT) key or button to trigger the radio transmitter. See the section of this user guide that outlines configuring the PTT function. Exterior and Interior Volume: These two sliders control the loudness of the POSCON traffic when it is near your plane. The interior slider controls the volume when your camera is an interior cockpit camera. The exterior slider controls the volume when your camera is external to the cockpit. Radio Volume: This slider controls the radio volume when you are NOT using the following Cockpit Controlled Radio volume option. Cockpit Radio Volume: This option allows your radio volume to be controlled by the dataref: POSCON/Radio_Volume This is a float dataref that has a value between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 is full volume. You can use this dataref to control the POSCON radio volume using home built cockpit hardware interfaces. This is particularly useful for those users who are building a custom cockpit. Many aircraft model an audio panel volume control in the 3D cockpit. Unfortunately they do not all consistently use the same dataref to represent the audio level. In the POSCON\Lua folder is a FlyWithLua script, POSCON_Audio_Volume.lua, that checks the type of plane you have and then based on that plane will copy the value of the aircraft’s audio level dataref to the POSCON audio level dataref on each frame. This Lua script does not handle every aircraft. You may very well need to modify it to accommodate your plane. Note: If you have the Cockpit Radio Volume option checked and the Lua script is running and writing data constantly to the POSCON radio volume dataref you will not be able to control the volume with the above slider. Enable Transmit Indicator: When enabled this option will display an indicator in the upper left corner of your display when you activate push-to-talk and you are logged in with radios powered up. Saving Changes: Any changes to your settings can be saved to a local .INI file in the POSCON directory by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the settings dialog. These settings will be restored the next time to start X-Plane. The Restore button will revert any changes you made on the settings dialog to the values prior to opening the dialog.
  3. Some users may have used the Autospeed Lua script to automatically adjust the ground speed should their simulator frame rate drop below 20 FPS. The original Autospeed Lua script is not compatible with the POSCON network as it was not possible to know if the ground speed had been adjusted by the script due to low FPS or if it was being manipulated by the user in manual mode to travel distances rapidly. If the Pilot Client detects that you have the original Autospeed Lua script installed you will be asked to remove it before logging in. If you still wish to use an Autospeed Lua script as an extra measure to ensure an accurate ground speed we have provided an enhanced version in the POSCON\Lua folder. This script does the same thing as the original Autospeed script except that it has a tighter integration with the Pilot Client. As long as you leave the script in auto mode while you are logged into the network then you will not be ghosted due to a low average FPS as the script will dynamically adjust your ground speed. However, if you take it out of auto mode or manually increase the ground speed then you will be subject to the ghosting rules regarding maintaining an average FPS above 20. You can install the POSCON Autospeed Lua script by copying the script from the POSCON\Lua folder to your FlyWithLua\Scripts folder and restarting X-Plane or requesting that FlyWithLua reload all the scripts.
  4. There are a number of FPS Lua scripts that automatically adjust X-Plane rendering settings when your FPS fall below a target setting. For X-Plane we recommend 3jFPS-wizard11. You can down load the script here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/43281-3jfps-wizard11/ For X-Plane 10 we recommend 3jFPS-wizard. You can download it here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38085-3jfps-wizard-enjoy-smooth-flying/ We suggest running these scripts with a target FPS of 30 frames per second.
  5. The POSCON network relies on your simulator representing an accurate ground speed. In X-plane 11 there are two conditions under which your simulated ground speed will be inaccurate: Allowing your FPS to drop below 20 frame per second over a period of time Applying a ground speed multiplication factor either directly using the X-Plane command or via a plugin or script like the Lua Auto Speed plugin. The POSCON X-Plane client will monitor each of the above two conditions and will automatically Ghost your aircraft should either of them occur. After you connect to the POSCON network or after Un-Ghosting, the X-Plane pilot client will begin monitoring your frame rate for one minute. This duration allows the simulator to settle in on an average frame rate. After one minute the client will continue to average your frame over the previous 1,800 frames. If the average of the last 1,800 frames drops below 20 FPS you will be Ghosted. The client also monitors the ground speed multiplier after the one minute settle in period. If the ground speed multiplier is any value other one you will be Ghosted
  6. Prior to connecting to the network the first time you may wish to review the default pilot client settings, See the Settings section of this user guide to learn how to choose your desired audio devices and Push-To_talk switch. In order to connect to the POSCON network the POSCON Launcher must be running and logged in. You connect to the POSCON network by selecting the POSCON plugin menu from the X-Plane plugins menu and then selecting the Login menu item.
  7. The Pilot Client is installed through the POSCON Launcher. After starting the Launcher go the settings menu and set the path to X-Plane root folder. Then go to the Library tab and click on the X-Plane Pilot Client icon to install the client.
  8. The POSCON Pilot Client is an X-Plane plugin that connects the simulator to the Positive Control Network. Once you have logged in to the network the plugin will send information about your plane’s location, altitude, attitude, as well as a number of the plane’s parameters such as gear and flap deployment, engine RPM, state of various beacon and navigation lights, transponder mode and code, etc. The plugin also receives similar information from the network about aircraft that are within a 50 nautical mile range of your plane. This information is used to draw 3D models of the aircraft at their correct position and orientation. The information is also used to populate the X-Plane multi-player datarefs so that your aircraft’s TCAS system will be aware of nearby planes.
  9. This certificate covers the operations of a typical passenger airline. These operations include: Domestic - An airline with flight schedules within the same nation state Flag - An airline with flight schedules involving international flying Supplemental - An airline that operates the schedule of another airline’s routes Mandatory Operations Specifications: A001 - Issuance and Applicability A002 - Definitions and Abbreviations A003 - Airplane/Aircraft Authorization A005 - Exemptions and Deviations (Only required if deviations to operations specifications are necessary) A006 - Management Personnel A007 - Other Designated Persons A009 - Airport Aeronautical Data A010 - Aviation Weather Information
  10. The air carriers, in conjunction with the Air Transportation Division (AFS-200), will determine any airport additions or deletions from the special airport qualification list. These changes will be made on a quarterly basis.
  11. The operator assesses the nature and complexity of certain factors associated with the airport (e.g., high altitude, foreign airport, specific terrain features, unique weather patterns may be present singly or in combination). This assessment determines whether the airport should be included in the air carrier’s airport listing in OpSpec C067 or the provisions of OpSpec C050 apply. For instance, an airport with an approved IFR and or visual flight rules (VFR) approach/departure procedure and an unusual characteristic, such as a nearby politically sensitive international boundary or high terrain, may require designation as a special PIC qualification airport. In this case, the airport would need to be listed in OpSpec C067 and the provisions of OpSpec C050 also apply. Refer to Volume 4, Chapter 3, Section 5, paragraph 4-602, and OpSpec C067.
  12. If both the ceiling and the visibility minimums are not satisfied as detailed in § 121.445(c), then the qualification requirements of § 121.445(b) apply. Section 121.445(b) specifies that for a pilot to serve as PIC on a flight to a special qualification airport, the PIC must have the benefit of one of the following: The PIC, within the preceding 12 calendar-months, has made a takeoff and landing at that airport while serving as a pilot flightcrew member; The second in command (SIC), within the preceding 12 calendar-months, has made a takeoff and landing at that airport while serving as a pilot flightcrew member; or Within the preceding 12 calendar-months, the PIC has qualified by using pictorial means acceptable to the Administrator for that airport.
  13. Air carriers conducting domestic, flag, and supplemental operations require the PIC to be qualified for operations into special PIC qualification airports. These PICs must be qualified in accordance with § 121.445. OpSpec C050 is used to authorize special PIC qualification airports for domestic, flag, and supplemental part 121 air carriers. The list of special qualification airports can be found in the automated Operations Safety System (OPSS) guidance subsystem in association with OpSpec C050 and at http://fsims.faa.gov/PICResults.aspx?mode=Publication&doctype=OPSS Guidance.
  14. OpSpec C050 is used to authorize 14 CFR part 121 air carrier certificate holders to conduct instrument flight rules (IFR) operations into special airports requiring special airport qualification in accordance with the provisions and limitations of the OpSpec and part 121, § 121.445. For detailed information refer to Volume 4, Chapter 3, Section 5, paragraph 4-602.
  15. A001 - Issuance and Applicability A002 - Definitions and Abbreviations A003 - Airplane/Aircraft Authorization A004 - Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations A005 - Exemptions and Deviations A006 - Management Personnel A007 - Other Designated Persons A008 - Operational Control A009 - Airport Aeronautical Data A010 - Airport Weather Information
  16. Overview The airspace surrounding New York City is one of the busiest in the world due to the close proximity of three major Class B airports (KJFK, KLGA, KEWR) and multiple high volume Class D and C airports. 30% of all air traffic operating in the United States originates or terminates in this area. The sheer volume, plus the close proximity of the airports, adds to the overall complexity of the airspace making it a challenge for pilots. Surrounding Airports Emphasis Item(s) Pilots that are beginners should avoid operating into or out of KJFK due to the complex procedures often used. The following have been recognized as common errors made by pilots while operating into and out of Kennedy: Failure to communicate quickly and effectively. On departure, failure to engage lateral navigation or initiate a turn to an assigned heading at 400 AFE. Failure to fly the correct departure procedure or instruction. Failure to set the correct altitude in the MCP. Reducing speed without prior authorization. Unable to properly fly unique approach procedures (e.g. VOR 13L/R, VOR/DME 22L) Taxiway alignment is essential for wingtip clearance on ramps and taxiways. There are various taxiway restrictions for large aircraft and large wingspans, see the airport diagram for more details. Scenery There are multiple add-on sceneries available for Kennedy International. If using FSX/P3D, we strongly recommend that you download one because they incorporate recent taxiway changes that are not included in the default scenery. If you decide to fly with scenery not included in the approved list, then make every effort to follow the controllers’ instructions referencing the published taxiway diagrams. FSX/P3D Approved: Drzewiecki Design has probably the most up-to-date Kennedy scenery. You can purchase it by clicking here. X-Plane Approved: Default scenery included in updates. Drzewiecki Design also is up-to-date. You can purchase it by clicking here.
  17. 5g.3.1 Officially Recognized Division Discords. A Division Discord server is a place for POSCON members to engage with other members within their community. Every POSCON Division must have an associated Discord server. The only place to find which Discord servers have been officially approved and recognized by POSCON is on the Divisions list page. 5g.3.3 Ownership. Ownership of all Division Discord servers resides with the President of POSCON Inc. or his designee. The Director of Operations is responsible for maintaining all Division Discord servers. All policies outlined in the POSCON Policy Index shall apply to Division Discord servers at all times. 5g.3.3 Approved Bots. Division Discord servers can only host the following BOT(s). POSCON Sentinel 5g.3.4 Server Settings. Channels, roles, and permissions in all servers are maintained by the Director of Operations. No changes shall be made to the server without prior approval of the Director of Operations. 5g.3.5 Language Usage. All server channel names must be in English and everyone must use English to communicate with each other. 5g.3.6 Purpose. The primary purpose of Division Discords is to provide a venue for chat and activity related to the Division. In the interest of community building, Division members are permitted to use the Division Discord voice and text channels to hang out, socialize, and play games other than those associated with the Network, so long as that activity does not become a distraction to those activity using the Network.
  18. Divisions may request, and POSCON may approve, any Sector within a Division to be marked as restricted. Once a Sector is marked as restricted, the POSCON servers will only allow ATC users with the explicit certification to Sign-In to that Sector. The request for sector restrictions must come from the Division Manager in writing and both the Director of Training and the Director of Operations need to approve in writing. A Division must demonstrate that a user can achieve the sector authorization through training in a reasonable timeframe before any sector restriction shall be approved. Considerations for a sector restriction may be: Complexity of airspace Volume of traffic Complex procedures From time to time, the Director of Training and Director of Operations may audit sector restrictions to determine if the restriction is still warranted. As with the approval of a sector restriction, both the Director of Training and Director of Operations must unanimously agree that the restriction is not warranted for it to be removed.
  19. until
    Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.
  20. until
    Sector: KZNY.ZNY.B.56Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.
  21. until
    Sector: KZNY.ZNY.B.56Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.
  22. A: The Content Creator role is reserved for those members that routinely showcase POSCON to their audience either through streaming, videos, blogs, news articles, or other media and do so in a positive way. The role is approved to post advertisements for their content in the "#poscon-streams" channel of our Public Discord server. If you are interested in becoming a POSCON Content Creator, please send an email to [email protected].
  23. until
    Sector: KZNY.ZNY.B.56Booking for KZNY.ZNY.B.56 created on the POSCON HQ.

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