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Virtual Operators

A008 - Operational Control
A. General
Revision: 26 Dec 2021

A008 authorizes the use of a system and/or procedures for the control of flight movements. The intent of A008 is to promote a mutual understanding between a Virtual Operator and the Positive Control Network concerning the system and/or procedures used by that Virtual Operator.

B. Referencing
Revision: 26 Dec 2021

Describe or reference the system and/or procedures used by a Virtual Operator in A008. It is preferable to complete A008 with references to a Virtual Operator's manual or sections of a Virtual Operator's manual which describe the system and/or procedures used by that Virtual Operator. Change the references only when a revision to the Virtual Operator's manual makes the reference in the Ops Specs incorrect. When a Virtual Operator's manual does not adequately describe the system and/or procedures used, a narrative description combined with references may be necessary. Often, it may not be appropriate to use references in this paragraph, (especially with smaller Virtual Operators). In these cases narrative description may be necessary. When a narrative description is used, it should be brief but provide sufficient information so that POSCON and the Virtual Operator have the same understanding about the system and/or procedures used by the Virtual Operator.

C. Description of Systems/Procedures
Revision: 26 Dec 2021

The description of the systems and/or procedures for controlling flight movement as described in the Virtual Operator's manual and referenced in the Ops Specs, or as narratively described in the Ops Specs, should include the following information, as appropriate, to the kind of operation:

  • Methods and procedures for initiating, diverting, and terminating flights;
  • Persons or duty positions authorized to, and responsible for, exercise of operational control;
  • The location of the software used by the Virtual Operator in the exercise of operational control;
  • Communication systems and procedures used by the Virtual Operator;
  • Special coordination methods and/or procedures used by the Virtual Operator to assure the aircraft is Airworthy; and
  • Emergency notification procedures.

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