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Virtual Operators

A013 - Operations Without Certain Emergency Equipment
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

A013 authorizes a Virtual Operator to use deviations from the requirements for certain emergency equipment for extended over water operations for turbojet-powered airplanes on the Positive Control Network.

  1. Authorization for issuance requires the concurrence of the principal Virtual Operator Inspector (VOI), the Manager of AOC, and the Director of Operations.

  2. Approval is indicated by listing in A013 the make and model of the aircraft and the routes and/or areas to which the deviation applies.

Applicability and Associated Deviations
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

1)    General Aviation ownership program managers may apply for a deviation to permit extended over water operations without carrying certain emergency ditching equipment.

2)   Air Carrier certificate holders may apply for a deviation from their certificate to permit extended over water operations without carrying certain emergency ditching equipment.

3)    Fractional certificate holders may apply for a deviation from their certificate to permit extended over water operations without carrying certain emergency ditching equipment.

Granting Deviations
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

1)    General aviation ownership program managers must list part 91, in MSpec paragraph A005 with the reference to A013.

2)    Air Carrier certificate holders must list part 121, in OpSpec A005 with the reference to OpSpec A013.

3)    Fractional certificate holders must list part 135, in OpSpec A005 with the reference to A013.

Life Preserver Deviation
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

It is policy that deviations from the requirement to carry life preservers will not be approved.

Deviations From Carrying Liferafts
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

Deviations from the requirements for carrying liferafts and the liferaft’s required attached equipment may be approved. There is no individual deviation provision or requirement for a deviation for the following required items:

  • Survival kits
  • Pyrotechnic signaling devices
  • Emergency locator transmitters
Requirements for Supporting Documentation for Deviation Request
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

The operator must submit an application with supporting documentation for the deviation request with at least the following information about the conditions that must be met for the approval:

1)    Aircraft operational capabilities for diversion due to an engine failure. This information must include drift down profiles, engine out cruise performance for two- and three-engine aircraft, and two-engine cruise performance for four-engine aircraft.

2)    A graphical presentation of the areas and routes of en route operation and/or routes over which provisions of the deviation will apply, including proposed minimum en route altitudes and airports which could be used if diversion is necessary. The A013 authorization contains a limitation that in flight operations must not exceed the distance allowed, as applicable, from a shoreline at any time. An exception is allowed for temporary maneuvering for weather avoidance.

3)    Navigation and communication equipment requirements and capabilities for normal flight conditions and for engine inoperative flight conditions in the proposed areas of en route operation.

4)    Existing and/or proposed procedures for diversion contingency planning and training curricula for flight and cabin crewmembers concerning ditching without liferafts.

5)    A description of search and rescue facilities and capabilities for the proposed areas of en route operations.

Reviewing the Application
Revision: 01 Feb 2022

1)    The Virtual Operator Inspector (VOI), in coordination with the Manager of AOC and the Director of Operations, must evaluate and substantiate submitted information. If a VOI does not concur with the operator’s proposal, the VOI will forward a letter to the operator denying the application for a deviation with an explanation of the reasons for denial. If a VOI concurs that the deviations should be approved, the VOI will prepare and forward a recommendation along with the operator’s application and supporting information to the Manager of AOC (AOC).

2)    The manager of AOC will review the application, the supporting information, and the VOI recommendation. If the AOC Manager does not concur with the VOI recommendation, the AOC Manager will forward a letter to the VOI, with a copy to the Director of Operations, indicating nonconcurrence with an explanation of the reasons. If the AOC Manager agrees with the VOI recommendation, the AOC Manager will advise the VOI by letter of the concurrence. With the AOC Manager concurrence, the VOI may approve the deviation by issuing A013 and A005.


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