Support Documents
Q: Do you have to pay a fee to join or use POSCON?
Q: Where can I find the network rules?
Q: What are the supported flight simulator platforms?
Q: How does the user experience toggle button work on HQ?
Q: What is this the user ranking system? How does it work? Where can I see my score?
Q: How can I earn or lose points?
Q: What is feedback? How does it work?
Q: What is the difference between Ghost mode and Live mode?
Q: What operating systems do you support?
Q: Where can I follow POSCON and keep up-to-date on what is happening?
Q: What is currently functioning, what is in development, and what are the future features planned?
Q: How do I suggest features that I would like to see implemented on POSCON?
Q: What do I need to do in order to start flying on POSCON?
Q: Where can I find documentation regarding the clients?
Q: I filed a flight plan. Why don't I see the callsign I used in the flight plan form on the map?
Q: Am I able to change my callsign without disconnecting?
Q: Where do I file a flight plan on POSCON?
Q: Can we import flight plans from SimBrief or other flight planning software?
Q: Why don't I see my filed route on the map?
Q: Where do I download the multiplayer traffic library?
Q: What is the UNICOM frequency? How do I find the CTAF frequency to use?
Q: Why am I constantly auto ghosted while using X-Plane?
Q: What if I don't know how to fill out an ICAO flight plan?
Q: I don't like to use voice; where can I use text?
Q: How can I casually chat with other pilots?
Q: How can I register my Virtual Airline (VA)?
Q: Will pilot ratings from other networks transfer when POSCON releases?
Q: How does the flight plan system work?
Q: How does the squawk code system work?
Q: How does the callsign reservation system work?
(TRIPS) Q: Is there a page to choose the Trip I want to do?
(TRIPS) Q: How do I nominate an airport to be in the next Trip?
(TRIPS) Q: I just completed a Trip while being ghosted and it did not count. How come?
(TRIPS) Q: I was disconnected half way into my flight, what will happen now?
Q: Where is the ATC client? When can I do ATC?
Q: How to join my division? Can I be staff?
Q: My division isn't featured on the network yet, why not?
Q: Will ATC ratings from other networks transfer when POSCON releases?
Q: My friends and I want to start a POSCON affiliated Discord server, are we allowed to do that?
(GENERAL) Q: Where do I locate the log files at?
(GENERAL) Q: How do I use Wireshark?
(X-PLANE) Q: How do I ensure an add-on aircraft’s ICAO code is recognized by the POSCON plug-in?
(VOICE) (FSX) (LAUNCHER) Q: My keyboard push-to-talk (PTT) button is not working.
(VOICE) Q: Other pilots and ATC tell me that my audio transmissions sound scrambled or unreadable.
(VOICE) Q: Are Bluetooth audio devices supported?
(WEBSITE) Q: I am not receiving any emails from, what should I do?