Support Documents
- Q: Who can connect to POSCON?
- Q: Do you have to pay a fee to join or use POSCON?
- Q: Where can I find the network rules?
- Q: What are the supported flight simulator platforms?
- Q: How does the user experience toggle button work on HQ?
- Q: What is this the user ranking system? How does it work? Where can I see my score?
- Q: How can I earn or lose points?
- Q: What is feedback? How does it work?
- What is the difference between Ghost mode and Live mode?
- Q: What operating systems do you support?
- Q: Where can I follow POSCON and keep up-to-date on what is happening?
- Q: What is currently functioning, what is in development, and what are the future features planned?
- Q: How do I change my email?
- Q: How do I suggest features that I would like to see implemented on POSCON?
- Where do I locate the log files at?
- How do I use Wireshark?
- Q: How are POSCON winds/temps aloft calculated?
A: Any registered user may connect to POSCON as a pilot if they meet the terms of the Minors Policy. Once registered, you will receive an email to the email address we have on file with details on how to connect. Those users wishing to connect as POSCON ATC must first fill out this application in order to be eligible to be invited to the ATC program.
A: No! POSCON is 100% free to join and use.
A: All network policies can be found in the Policies section of our Documents system.
A: The support flight simulator platforms are:
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X
- Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (all versions)
- Laminar Research X-Plane 11
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
A: On HQ, we provide users with a Pilot/ATC experience toggle button. By switching this toggle between "PILOT" or "ATC", it will change the information displayed to the user on that particular page respective to the selection made.
We created this feature because many users are exclusive to one type of experience and have no desire to know about the other.
A: The user ranking system is essentially an online reputation system that ensures quality is maintained throughout all network activity. POSCON determines pilot and air traffic controller ranks by analyzing a variety of sources, including feedback from other members. These rankings are based on POSCON Points, which are categorized into Quality and Reliability.
- Quality Points are those points that are earned by demonstrating excellent operating procedures and professionalism while connected to POSCON.
- Reliability Points are those points that are earned by being an active participant in online activities such as showing up for scheduled flights, being on time, etc.
Each category is averaged to form the user’s total ranking and a user’s rank on the network enables eligibility for various benefits such as eligibility to apply for staff positions and eligibility to participate in special network sanctioned events. Points can be accrued while connected to POSCON in both the live and ghost modes. Points can be lost in any mode. An exception to this is you cannot lose points until you connect at least once in the live mode. Periodically, POSCON will reset all users' points in order to level the playing field. After these resets, all users’ ranks remain in place, but since all point spreads have been cleared, users’ must defend their ranks by flying and earning points once again.
You can view your score by visiting the Leaderboard (use the User Experience button to toggle between Pilot and ATC) or you can view your score on your user profile page.
A: There are only a few ways of earning POSCON Points currently implemented:
Earning Points:
- Receiving positive feedback will earn you Quality Points (the amount is dependent on the rating). Positive feedback is defined as a feedback receiving an “Excellent” or “Good” score. Moderators can also award points as a result of an “Okay” feedback rating if they feel inclined to do so.
- Completing computer-based training modules will earn you Quality Points (the amount is dependent on the CBT).
- Filing and activating a flight plan will earn the pilot Reliability Points. This feature is available automatically in both the live and ghost modes.
- If flying a trig leg using the Trips System, Reliability Points will be awarded based on the length of the flight.
- ATC also have the ability to earn Reliability Points through the ATC booking system.
Losing Points:
- Both Pilots and ATC can lose Quality Points by receiving negative feedback. Negative feedback is defined as a feedback receiving a “Poor” or “Terrible” score. Moderators can also subtract points as a result of an “Okay” feedback rating if they feel inclined to do so.
ATC can lose Reliability Points for a number of different reasons (reference the ATC Scheduling Policy). Some examples include:
- Failing to book and signing into a position
- Modifying the start time of a booking
- Cancelling a booking
- No showing a booking
- Finishing early
Other methods for losing POSCON Points will be implemented in later beta releases.
A: The feedback system is a way for users to “grade” the performance of fellow users. It is also a way for POSCON to determine the strengths and weaknesses of our users. Submitting feedback is never required but is highly recommended as it helps in the learning and development process of the POSCON membership. In order to leave feedback about a user, simply navigate to the Live Map located on the POSCON Headquarters website, click on a pilot or ATC, a side-bar will open where you can click on the “Feedback” button, and then you will be directed to form that you need to complete. When leaving feedback, be as detailed as fair and detailed about the encounter as possible.
Here are some example scenarios when submitting feedback may be warranted:
- If you felt a pilot or air traffic controller lacked knowledge critical to their position or rank.
- If someone transmitted non-critical information on a frequency designated for air traffic services.
- If you felt that an air traffic controller became overwhelmed or lost positive control of a situation.
- And more importantly, don’t forget to leave positive feedback when someone does a good job!
Once feedback is submitted, it is reviewed by a team of professional Moderators and deidentified before being sent to the receiving user. Moderators use a series of tools to help them judge accountability during the review process such as replays and voice recordings. We do have some basic Feedback Policies that must be complied with, so make sure you review those before submitting feedback.
In order to understand many of the other features of POSCON, it is important to describe the two types of connection modes that exist on the POSCON Network: Ghost mode and Live mode.
Ghost mode is a connected server mode that allows a user to observe. In this mode, the user is invisible to pilot users and muted for all users but can still see and hear everyone else participating in the live mode. This mode is extremely useful for pilots that are just starting out and getting the hang of things.
- NOTE: An aircraft model from the Live mode that is within 20 meters of a ghosted aircraft is automatically deleted until the Live mode model exits the 20 meter protection zone, then it will reappear. This feature was introduced to support a shared cockpit experience.
- Live mode is a connected server mode that allows a user to be visible and audible to all users, but even in the live mode you cannot see or hear ghosted users. The exception to this is that air traffic controllers have a special filter setting on the Radar Client that allows them to see ghosted users. Additionally, all users can see ghosted users on the Live Map located on the POSCON Headquarters website.
A: POSCON only supports Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Mac, Linux, and older versions of Windows are not currently supported.
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A: Our Changelog on the website gives the most up to date information on what<s going on with development.
A: Email with your POSCON ID and current email, along with the email you want it updated to and our support team will update your account.
A: Please visit our Feature Requests Forum and make a post. Make sure to have your friends up-vote the feature so it moves to the top of the list!
The log files for our clients can be found in the following locations:
- X-Plane: Look for "log.txt" in the root directory of X-Plane (where the X-Plane.exe file is located).
- FSX/P3D/FS2020: In order to get the log for this client, you must press Control+Shift+C while the client is still running.
- Launcher: Look for log files in the ...AppData\Local\POSCON\Launcher folder. Make sure you grab the one for the right date, for example "log20210318.txt" corresponds to March 18th, 2021.
- Radar Client: Look for both "PositiveControlRadarClient_crash.dmp" and "PositiveControlRadarClient_crash_.txt" in your …AppData\Local\POSCON\Radar Client folder.
When our technical support team suspects you might have a network connectivity issues, we might ask you to run the program Wireshark which is free software available online. Here are the steps:
- Install Wireshark from
- Start Wireshark
- Select the network interface card connected to the Internet
- Start capturing
- Test voice several times
- Stop capturing
- Save the capture
- Send the capture file to support
A: POSCON's virtual environment mirrors real-world weather patterns by using up-to-date global forecasts. These forecasts are based on actual observations and are refreshed every three hours to ensure accuracy. The system smartly adjusts weather conditions for each aircraft's location in real-time, providing a realistic and dynamic flying experience.
- Q: Who can connect to POSCON?
- Q: Do you have to pay a fee to join or use POSCON?
- Q: Where can I find the network rules?
- Q: What are the supported flight simulator platforms?
- Q: How does the user experience toggle button work on HQ?
- Q: What is this the user ranking system? How does it work? Where can I see my score?
- Q: How can I earn or lose points?
- Q: What is feedback? How does it work?
- What is the difference between Ghost mode and Live mode?
- Q: What operating systems do you support?
- Q: Where can I follow POSCON and keep up-to-date on what is happening?
- Q: What is currently functioning, what is in development, and what are the future features planned?
- Q: How do I change my email?
- Q: How do I suggest features that I would like to see implemented on POSCON?
- Where do I locate the log files at?
- How do I use Wireshark?
- Q: How are POSCON winds/temps aloft calculated?